Birding for beginners

Events im Aargau

The lake of Klingnau is one of the most famous spots for birdwatching in Switzerland. We invite the English speaking community to learn more about its history and the bird species.

More than 300 bird species have already been detected at the Klingnau reservoir. Especially, during the migration season, you can always see something unexpected! But why is this protected area so important for birds? How did the reservoir evolve and what are the main conservation issues today? On this guided tour you will find out all the answers and get to know some other animals living in the area. Of course there will be plenty of time to watch birds: waterfowl and waders, but with a bit of luck also migrating birds of prey and the kingfisher. You will learn how to determine the different species and explore their biology. Come and join us!

Daten / Zeiten

Sa, 17. Aug 2024 09:00 - 11:00 Uhr 


BirdLife-Naturzentrum Klingnauer Stausee
Stauseestrasse 101
5314 Kleindöttingen

Ort auf Karte anzeigen

Kosten / Tickets

CHF 15.- per person (incl. binoculars and entrance fee)

Anmeldung per Telefon 056 268 70 60 oder auf


Aargau Tourismus AG
Laurstrasse 10
5200 Brugg

Tel. +41 62 823 00 73


Montag bis Donnerstag
9.00 - 12.00 Uhr |
13.15 - 17.00 Uhr

9.00 - 12.00 Uhr

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